Aion Gold, Buy Aion Gold

Aion is a fantasy MMORPG released by NCSoft. The game is vast, vivid, dark, and incredibly fun. Unlike most other fantasy games, Aion offers air combat in addition to traditionally based PvP and PvE ground combat.

As the game consists of many areas to explore, many adventures to undertake, and many items to acquire, the demand for Aion Gold is also great. Since its release in the US, Europe, and Asia, a number of gold merchants have begun offering the opportunity for players to buy Aion [.....]

Buy Guild Wars Gold To Increase Character Status

 Many people often wonder what point there is to buy Guild Wars gold. All the armor in the game is the same (at the upper levels), and all you’re really paying for with elite armor sets are cosmetic differences. So, why would people spend so much money to buy Guild Wars Gold? The answer to this question, is of course: Charater Status.

By demonstrating to other players that your character is better looking, richer, and has played the game longer, you’ll be more likely to be accepted [.....]